Saturday, August 28, 2010

Awww! Memories to Remember! =)

This week I had two great opportunities to go do baptisms for the dead at the Idaho Falls temple with my future missionary buddies! Tuesday I went with my good friends Danielle Hanson and Jacob Bush and some of their friends. That was such a special experience for me. I was Jacob's first baptism ever! =) He did such an amazing job! It was so neat seeing him all grown up. I almost cried! But i'm so glad I got to share that with him. Jacob means the world to me! Zach Gardner and Klint Metcalf also got to baptize and confirm. Thursday night I got to go with Chase Hanson and his friends. Chase got to baptize me that time and it was awesome! Jacob went again also and Keegan Huntsman did some confirming. It's such an amazing experience seeing all my good friends become missionaries! I'm so excited for them and can't way for them to go and preach the gospel to the world. They'll work wonders! =) I'm so glad I had that opportunity seeing them in the work of the Lord!

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