Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Don't Wanna Grow Up... I Just Wanna Be a Kid... ;)

Whoever the guilty soul is for giving all my friends permission to grow up... SHAME ON YOU! ;) Life is absolutely incredibly crazy! My two best friends are getting married within 5 months, my best friend will leave in June, and i'll basically be a lonely, single loser! My life is looking great! ;) haha it really is, I don't mean to sound negative! It's just crazy how fast things change. I've got 4, almost 6 missionaries out already! THEY'RE SO OLD! haha but it's so good to hear from them and hear how they're changing and growing! (That's definitely for the better! ;) During the passed few weeks I've come to realize that people DO have to grow up, whether i'm there and ready to go with them or not. And I need to let them. Because it's all about Enjoyin' the Journey! Whether it be with my friends now or new ones i'll have to make. I had the opportunity to attend an Enrichment dinner thing tonight and Elder Hammond, formerly of the 70, came and let us have a question/answer session with him. My biggest reason in going was for the free dinner! ;) But i'm so so grateful I went. I heard exactly what I needed to at this time. It was definitely an answer to my prayers and it's what will get me through the next few months. Isn't amazing how the Lord works sometimes? =)


  1. sorry shan-you do have to grow up! it's the pits but that's life sometimes!! :) and I'm almost 100% positive that you'll find something to do while Gabe is gone and all of your friends are off getting married...i was in your shoes once-all of my friends were getting married, going on missions or off going to school in different states and it felt like I was just standing still while everyone else was moving!! So i kind of know how you feel! hang in there! things will get better!! :)

  2. Shanley, I love your blog. I know sometimes growing up stinks, but it happens and I love how you are all about finding joy in the journey!!! I love Elder Hammond! It seems he always knows what to say even if he doesn't even know you!! Hang tough girlie!!! Before you know it you will be in your friends shoes, gettin married/goin on a mission/or whatever else the Lord has planned for you!! :)
