Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just An Update on Life! =)

Life. Well, it's pretty crazy alright! But i'm loving it! I haven't written on here in forever long so here's the quick rundown of the last few months!
December was a super busy month! It came and went just like that! I passed my first semester of college with flying colors, moved home, married off one of my friends and got a job! It was a pretty bitter-sweet month. It's nice being home with my family and with my best friend though. So i'm glad to be home! =) I'm working at Stone Ridge Dental right now and training as a dental assistant. Talk about an answer to my prayers! Getting that job was truly a blessing. I'm grateful to be working there and for the experience I am getting. I'm really enjoying it and it's making me excited to become a dental hygienist! =)
January seemed to FLY by! It was pretty busy month too but with less excitement as December. Being home has been great and i've just been working and hanging out with Gabe. Life is good! =) Gabe almost has his mission papers ready to be sent in so that's exciting and sad all at the same time! =s I'm so excited for him though! As much as i'll miss him, I know he's ready to get out there and serve the Lord. He's going to make an amazing missionary!
So that's basically a quick update on life! Hope everyone is doing well! =)

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